Discover Cofrac
Our roadmap
Cofrac is following four strategic directions defined for the period 2023-2028. They constitute our roadmap. As an extension of the previous ones, these new, tighter strategic directions are intended to capitalise on these achievements and to extend the efforts already made to prevent the risks to which Cofrac may be exposed.
To achieve these objectives, we are relying on our employees, assessors and on the continuation of the digital transformation project, to be more efficient and to offer new services. Customers and principals are also involved in these objectives through our governing bodies and the Board of Directors. Each year, these guidelines are set out in the form of operational objectives and associated monitoring indicators.
- Disposer d’une structure nationale d’accréditation indépendante et compétente, à la gouvernance adaptée garante de la mise en œuvre complète et impartiale des référentiels internationaux d’accréditation ;
- Procéder pour les prévenir à une revue régulière des risques de toute nature auxquels le Cofrac peut être exposé ;
- Poursuivre la mise en œuvre d’approches individualisées d’évaluation des organismes accrédités fondées sur les risques en mobilisant l’ensemble des techniques d’évaluation et en s’appuyant sur une culture partagée de prise en compte des risques par les acteurs de l’accréditation ;
- Anticiper pour y répondre les attentes éthiques ou les questionnements critiques de l’ensemble des parties intéressées par l’accréditation.
- To continue the work of dematerialising Cofrac's tools by offering accredited bodies a user-friendly, efficient and secure digital system;
- Strengthen the work to simplify relations between Cofrac and its accredited bodies, with a strong sense of service, by developing more integrated and cross-functional monitoring of the various accreditation standards;
- Enable the digitised data from assessments to be used effectively, in particular to identify the points of complexity in the accreditation standards;
- Through satisfaction surveys and regular exchanges with accredited bodies, identify areas for improvement in the national accreditation system and ensure that the tools used by Cofrac are properly adopted.
- Strong international recognition based on relevant involvement in international accreditation and standardisation structures, backed up by privileged bilateral relations with Cofrac's main European counterparts;
- Deploy accreditation responsively in accordance with new conformity assessment standards that meet the needs of prescribers and interested stakeholders, mobilising external expertise if necessary to ensure their relevance, and paying close attention to the robustness and sustainability of new accreditation schemes;
- Demonstrate the usefulness of accreditation for the implementation of public policies, the needs of stakeholders and the aspirations of the public, in particular through the regular publication of summary data from evaluations;
- Cultivate a modern communication strategy aimed at prescribers and accredited bodies, demonstrating the benefits of using accreditation.
- To mobilise the resources, particularly financial resources, to ensure that Cofrac, a national reference body, has the human and material resources to make it attractive and guarantee its effectiveness;
- Continue to deploy a human resources management strategy and tools to ensure the competence, dynamism and long-term development of the organisation;
- Back the implementation of Cofrac's structuring projects with a dynamic internal communication strategy to ensure effective and harmonised implementation;
- While preserving the principle of peer review, mobilise all the necessary resources, with the support of accredited bodies and the public authorities, to ensure the quantity and quality of the assessment resources needed for the national accreditation system to function properly;
- To ensure that all Cofrac management actions are in line with best practices in terms of social and environmental responsibility.