
Created in 1994, Cofrac is the only reference body in France for accreditation: an activity of public authority and of general interest. Our mission is to ensure the competence and impartialitý of conformity assessment bodieś (CABs).


  • Future
    Cofrac's mission is a mission for the future. The fields open to accreditation are evolving at the same pace as society, enabling us to meet the demands and needs of the market.
  • Trust
    Accreditation is a public-interest activity designed to instil confidence in the controls carried out. It attests to the competence and impartiality of the bodies carrying out these controls.
  • Proximity
    The Cofrac teams are listening to all stakeholders. Our aim is to share our experiences so that we can meet the challenges of tomorrow and grow together.

Assessing skills in order to issue accreditation: that's our core business.

Some figures
  • 3596
    accredited entities in 2022, including 72 abroad
  • 179
    employees and active members of our association
  • +1800
    external assessors and technical experts

Cofrac is looking for new talent in many fields

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Accredited in France, recognised everywhere


International recognition of accreditation facilitates access to export markets. Thanks to the multilateral agreements to which Cofrac is a signatory, accreditation obtained in France can be recognised in Europe and throughout the world.

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